The Speech & Drama Section

The Speech & Drama section is the largest section of the Festival, and usually runs over a period of two weeks and three weekends. Please refer to the links above and to the right for more information.

Speech and Drama set poems are available here.

As per Section 4.2 of the Speech & Drama Regulations, in all "Own Choice" classes the verse and prose or acting script selected must be by a published writer other than the competitor and not set elsewhere in the syllabusONE CLEAN, LEGIBLE COPY (BOOKS and PHOTOCOPIES are not permitted) of the piece to be performed must be provided for the Adjudicator. Marks will be deducted for poor scripts. Please hand in your script at the Reception Desk on arrival. Failure to do so may result in the entry being graded without a mark.

The following table shows the types of classes which do need and don't need scripts to be provided for the adjudicator.

Scripts Needed From YouScripts Not Needed

Verse Speaking (Own Choice) - classes S11 through S20

Prose Reading (Own Choice) - classes S23 through S31

Solo and Duologue Acting - classes S46 through S57 and class S74

Group Acting and Anthology - classes S58 through S61


Verse Speaking (Set Poems) - classes S0 through S10

Public Speaking - classes S33 through S35

Sight Reading - classes S36 through S39

Mime - classes S40 through S45

Devised Scene - classes S62 through S65